Invert: Use backward thinking to explore new perspectivesInversion is great thinking tool which allows one, while thinking backwards, to come up with new perspectives to a problem. Consider the…Apr 14, 2021Apr 14, 2021
How Bayes’ theorem was used in law to prove innocenceA very interesting case happened in 1995, Regina v Adams, where the defense used Bayes’ theorem to prove his client’s innocence.Apr 5, 20211Apr 5, 20211
How to question like Socrates and be a better thinker?Socrates use to employ a structured disciplined method of questioning to get answers from his students. In his method of questioning…Apr 2, 2021Apr 2, 2021
Whiplash: A study in masteryWhiplash (2014) gives critical insights into mastery, how do we become a master in a particular field? The movie primarily is about the…Mar 31, 2021Mar 31, 2021
How do we know what we don’t know and still be better at decision making?In every field, almost everyone makes decision based on his/her knowledge. The question is: How effective are those decisions based on the…Mar 27, 20217Mar 27, 20217
What 12 Angry Men teaches us in critical thinking?I remember watching 12 Angry Men few years back and being completely blown by it, I couldn’t imagine a movie being set in a single room…Mar 26, 20211Mar 26, 20211